Planning update Week Ending 26th October 2024

No new planning applications for major housing developments have been validated this week. The agenda for the Planning Meeting on the 31st October and the minutes for the previous meeting have been published showing the reasons why the decision to defer approval of the large development on Willoughby Road, Countesthorpe was taken.


The Planning Committee is not satisfied with the density of
development proposed and the implications for the character and
appearance of the area. The application is deferred for negotiations to
take place with the applicant seeking a reduction in the density of
development. The Planning Committee wishes to request further
information on drainage from Severn Trent Water and the applicant with
particular regard to the capacity of the foul sewerage system in the

8 Hole Golf Course?

For consideration at the meeting on the 31st with a recommendation for approval, is the smaller proposal of Residential development of up to 53 dwellings on a site next to and including part of Blaby Golf Course. Ref: 23/0968/OUT by Davidsons Development Ltd. This application will result in the loss of one of the nine holes in the golf course. Some will know that a proposal for up to 200 houses with the loss of the Golf Course has also been submitted to the Council, though this is at a much earlier stage in consideration.

Walk half a mile for a bus?

Another application up for consideration with recommendation for approval is Outline planning application for Social Housing by the erection of up to 31 dwellings 24/0439/OUT on land to the south of Little Glen Road, Glen Parva. This development appears to be exclusively social housing where the occupiers are less likely to be car owners. So I wonder what justification Leicester Highways Authority has for considering that future residents should have to walk so far for a bus? From page 90

Public transport
The nearest bus stop is on Monmouth Drive some 600-metres walking distance from
the site with frequent services to Leicester. There are also bus stops on Leicester
Road (A426) some 850 metres from the site which have frequent services to Leicester,
Blaby, Broughton Astley, Lutterworth, Countesthorpe and South Wigston. Whilst these
stops are located beyond the maximum 400-metre distance generally recommended),
the LHA still considers that bus travel could be a potential mode of transport for future

Surely there is justification for the reintroduction of a Bus route on Little Glen Road connecting Blaby and South Wigston, we have received a number of emails on the subject over the past couple of years.

Blaby and Glen Parva Blaby District Council Cosby and Countesthorpe Leicestershire County Council

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