Local plan Timeline update – Further Delay to July 2025
We were expecting the next review of the New Local Plan for Blaby District to be before Christmas, but I received this update on the 14th November 2024 via email from Blaby District Council.
The timeline for our new Local Plan, which will guide future development across the District, has been updated following a review of Government proposals to change the national planning system.
The Government is planning changes to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) including compulsory housing targets and changed policies. To make sure our new Plan meets these changes, we now aim to produce the next version, known as the Regulation 19 version, by July 2025.
This version is a full draft that we will consult on, asking residents, businesses and communities their views on proposals for development across the District until 2041.
After public consultation the Local Plan will be put to the Planning Inspectorate for examination by an independent inspector.
Planning application submitted for A Solar Farm
Plans have now been submitted to Blaby District Council for a Solar Farm in 201 acres (81 hectares) of land at Soars Lodge Farm in Foston., near Countesthorpe. This BBC News Article Covers the Story. the documents associated to this application are available here on BDC Website ref 24/0734/FUL.
125 new houses in Whetstone
This is a planning proposal by Miller Homes (not yet a formal application) for 125 houses at the south end of the village on Springwell Lane (in yellow in the image below). This covers part of a site for up to 770 homes (in purple in the image below) which was included in the last review of the local plan. Image from a map of sites maintained by Mike Jelfs