Planning Update Week Ending 9th November 2024

Revised plans after deferral in Countesthorpe

As reported by Countesthorpe Parish Council on Facebook, after the deferral at a recent Blaby District Council (BDC) Planning Meeting.

 'Planning Application, 24/0001/OUT Outline Planning application for up to 185 dwellings with access point from Willoughby Road. Further to this application being deferred by the District Council’s Planning Committee due to concerns about the density and clarification on issues relating to the sewerage system, please note that the number of dwellings from the original application has now reduced from 205 to 185. As the application is outline, there will be no further consultation carried out by the District Council. There are additional documents available on the District Council’s website. This also includes correspondence between the applicant and Severn Trent Water. As there is not further correspondence, it would be expected that this will be put to another Blaby District Council Planning Committee meeting so anyone interested in attending or making representation are advised to monitor the District Council's Meeting Calendar.'

Further to the above it appears that Severn Trent Water are happy to take on any remedial work required to the sewage system required by the new development. To quote from the correspondence on the BDC website.

 'Any issues highlighted are for Severn Trent to investigate further and then decide if changes to our infrastructure are required.

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