Planning update Week Ending 2nd November 2024

Blaby District Council Planning Committee Meeting

Lutterworth Road, Blaby

The District Council Planning Committee Meeting this week on the 31st, with the smaller housing development 23/0968/OUT next to and including part of Blaby Golf Course recommended for approval, despite objections from many fearing that this will make approval of the larger 200 house development, replacing the course completely more likely. It is noted however that the only public speaker at the meeting was from the developer. The outcome of the Planning meeting was to approve the development.

Little Glen Road, Glen Parva

A second application for 31 affordable houses on Little Glen Road, Glen Parva, despite worries expressed about flooding, pedestrian safety and the distance away from public transport links the decision was to approve the development.

New Applications

Joining Blaby to Countesthorpe?

It is interesting to see that the fields on the opposite side of Winchester Road, at the back of Blaby Golf Course are now subject of a new planning application for 350 houses, covering Keepers Farm in Blaby [image above], this if approved will fully connect Blaby with Countesthorpe. The site was included in the last review of the New Local Plan for up to 300 houses, the outline planning permission application was not yet on the website at the time of writing but the associated application 24/10/EIASCR | Environmental Impact Assessment Screening Opinion for the proposed residential development (Class C3) of 350 dwellings. | Keepers Farm Winchester Road Blaby Leicester Leicestershire LE8 4HN . is.

Extending Sharnford…

Another development of 134 houses in Sharnford was validated this week, this is on land that was not part of the New Local Plan review in 2019 and is partly outside the current village boundary.. 24/0834/OUT | Outline planning application for a.) provision of up to 134 dwellings constituting up to 43 Affordable Housing units, up to 75 Open Market Housing units and up to 16 serviced plots for self-build and custom housebuilding, b.) hedge and tree removal with (re)planting where relevant, c.) provision of a mobility hub and d.) with all matters reserved except access. | Land North Of Leicester Road Sharnford Leicestershire . sorry no photo of this, as it was a bit murky to cycle all the way over, an image from my google map is shown below.

Decision notices posted this week include.

The acceptance of the 170 House Development in Foston Lane, Countesthorpe (23/1071/OUT)

The Withdrawal During Consideration of 23/0316/FUL | Erection of 16 No. flats and 1 No. retail unit with associated parking and access onto Broad Street (to include demolition of existing filling station and workshop). | Mpk Filling Station Cross Street Enderby Leicestershire LE19 4AA

And finally ….

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