Planning Update Week Ending 19th October

Lots of activity in Cosby this week, surveying in fields opposite the Golf Course on Broughton Road, though obviously this may have nothing to do with housing (info from Spotted Cosby Facebook Group Post). The site is in the new local plan proposal where it quotes that it is suitable for around 360 houses.

More certain however is Narborough Road in Cosby (on the RHS when leaving the village) where Catesby Estates are advertising land for residential development of 150 houses. This is close to the site of the proposed development on Warwick Road, Littlethorpe of 150 Houses plus a primary school.

Reviewing the weekly list of new planning applications validated this week, only a couple of single new house developments were entered for consideration. Previous applications where decisions were made this week included 23/1039/FUL approval for the creation of a SEND autism school for primary school aged children in school years 3-6 (ages 7 to 11) in Glebe House, Main Street, Kilby, next to the Primary School, for eventually up to 20 children, here is a BBC Article covering the decision.

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