How much can you spend on an Election

Graph showing spending by each major political party in England & Wales. Conservatives 16.5 million, Liberal Democrats 14.5 million, Labour 12 million and the Green Party 408 thousand pounds.

The Government without any debate has almost doubled the limit on how much political parties can spend on an election to £35,000,000. The Electoral Commission are unhappy about this saying they risk damaging public trust in the political finance system.

As the Green Party is funded by its members and supporters, rather than large corporations or wealthy individuals. This puts us at a disadvantage compared to the other main parties. The Liberal Democrats even under the old limits for example, were able to spend over 35 times as much as the Green Party in 2019.

Surely who we elect should not be determined by how wealthy the party is they represent, this along with the voting system needs to change.

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